
slurry pump named by medium size

The term Centrifugal Slurry Pump, as stated, covers various types of heavy-duty centrifugal pumps used for hydraulic transportation of solids. 
A more precise terminology is to use the classification of solids handled in various pump applications. 
Small Slurry Pump cover pumping of mud/clay, silt and sand in size range of solids up to 2mm. Size ranges are: 
Mud/clay <2 microns Silt 2 - 50 microns 
Sand, fine 50 - 100 microns 
Sand, medium 100 - 500 microns 
Sand, coarse 500 - 2000 microns 
Sand & Gravel Pumps cover pumping of, shingle and gravel in the 2 to 8mm size range. 
Gravel Pumps cover pumping of solid sizes up to 50mm. Dredge Pumps cover pumping of solid sizes up to and above 50mm.